Friday, March 8, 2013

Represent something or someone

What do we represent
After a presentation about representing, a got a small question that didn't include a genre, a style , or social group.
People in this days represent  jobs , faces even hoods... e.g:

  -Steve jobs , representing one of  richiest in the forbes list , and also is big company
-Lawyers representing an agency... 

                                           (tv serie- suits)
L.a bloods and L.a Crips Representing the streets of Los Angels.

SO what set a part all of this representations.
 Now talking about one the greatest mind in the world that most of us carry our pocket. Steve Jobs not living any more , was be trailed by is own company , but few people talk about one of his company's in China that is 10th worst in human rights. He didn't know such thing was happening in china. In this particularly company that also owned a living build for workers to live there, so what happened was , after working they could sleep but they couldn't do nothing more , just work eat and sleep.... After a few months suicide rates start appearing and they build gym fences , so this way they couldn't even commit suicide. After this information , what the Bloods or the Crips do it's just represent their gang. Same thing in Lawyer agency or a big company.
 Each of them got me thinking, at first look you are probably going to say that last example they are representing crime and drugs, well is true we cannot tell otherwise... buts lets think together, the Lawyer , the "suit" represents a firm , that sometimes represent people that actually represent everything that is going wrong in our system. They defend corrupts that steall not a few thousands but millions sometimes even billions, drug dealers , mobsters, sometimes even pedophiles or way worst than that, But the difference is that they do it in a dolce cabana suit. 
So this brought me two questios...
What do I represent?
Who do I represent?

both this questions acctualy dont got much of an awnswer... I know  who i'am  what I stand for, but still don't know what or who i'am representing besides me.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Tiago Media Productions

This blog is nothing more than a way for me to express my self trough my Work in media.
Is going to filled with ideas, news , music and specially films. And also i'm going to try to put some behind the scenes, interviews, how they made the video and the most important explore techniques.

Life of Pi is a fantasy adventure novel by YannMartel published in 2001. The protagonist, Piscine Molitor "Pi" Patel, an Indian boy from Pondicherry, explores issues of spirituality and practicality from an early age. He survives 227 days after a shipwreck while stranded on a boat in the Pacific Ocean with a Bengal tiger named Richard Parker..

Life of Pi


One of the nomanies to the Oscars 2013. 
Taking home 4 oscars:
-Best Director (Ang Lee)
-Best Original Score (Mychael Danna)
-Best Cinematography(Claudio Miranda)
-Best Visual effects (Bill Westenhofer,
Guilaume rocheron, Erik-Jan de Boer, and Donald R.Elliot.)

Behind the Scenes with , James cameron , Bill west. , and Ang Lee

Director Ang Lee, Interview

I don't have words to describe such a movie, you can not describe perfection.
Everything thing was Perfect every scene is perfect , and the Director put such a feeling on this movie..
 In terms of Visual effects and 3D , Avatar is nothing compared to this movie
Recommend to anyone who loves great Stories!


Narrative Structures : (construct the content ) 

 "'Life of Pi' is told from two alternating points of view, the main character Pi in a flashback and Yann Martel himself, who is the "visiting writer" (Martel 101) interviewing Pi many years after the cat in the boat story. This technique of the intrusive narrator adds the documentary realism to the book, setting up, like a musical counter-point, the myth-making, unreliable narrator, Pi. The reader is left to ponder at the end whether Pi's story is an allegory of another set of parallel events or vice verse.''

Characters :

 In characters  we have  Piscine Molitor "Pi" Patel (Tony Hasnath) is the narrator and protagonist of the novel. He was named after a swimming pool in Paris, despite the fact that neither he nor his father particularly liked swimming. The story is told as a narrative from the perspective of a middle-aged Pi, now married and with his own famil, and living in Canada. At the time of main events of the story, he is sixteen yrs old. He recounts the story of his life and his 227-day journey on a lifeboat when his ship sinks in the middle of the Pacific Ocean during a voyage to North America.

Selection of content :
In the Life of PI , every word, act , sequence, and colors is a story teller , you can not imagine this movie if it wasn't made this way. Ang Lee the director of Life of Pi , really understood the book.
Every edit and visual effect is in the right place, every color haves  the shining.
Everything was selected carefully and you can see that by watching the movie.


Niche and Mass Marketing

NICHE MARKETING - This is where firms concentrate on selling to a small market, due to this costs can be kept low because of the savings made by specialisation. IT is usually used by smaller firms as they can concentrate on establishing a strong image and position in their niche. Also niche markets are usually ignored by larger multinational firms, who are not interested in the low sales volume yielded by a small segment. This is the importance to the smaller firm operating in a market niche of being "unimportant" , i.e. the larger firms do not see these small firms as a threat and ignore them. Thus the smaller firms can operate without the fear of being put out of business by the larger firms. A good example is Rolls Royce who specialise in the luxury automobile niche. This is proven by the fact that you do not see Rolls Royce cars in showrooms , but instead they are available only on order.

Movie Example:
''Les fabuloux Destin D'Amelie
Amélie is a story about a girl named Amélie whose childhood was suppressed by her Father's mistaken concerns of a heart defect. With these concerns Amélie gets hardly any real life contact with other people. This leads Amélie to resort to her own fantastical world and dreams of love and beauty
(the all movie is in French)
MASS MARKETING -This is the total opposite to that of niche marketing, in mass marketing a firm will try to accommodate as much of the market as possible. However doing this means you have to ignore certain area’s of the market as you cannot accommodate the whole thing. Mass marketing usually involves marketing different products to different groups of people or promoting the same product through different means. An example of the former is the way banks now work, they have separate accounts for students and teenagers, and others offering different services for different purposes.

Movie Example:
Transformers 3
Autobots Bumblebee, Ratchet, Ironhide, Mirage (aka Dino), Wheeljack (aka Que) and Sideswipe led by Optimus Prime, are back in action taking on the evil Decepticons, who are eager to avenge their recent defeat.